You are more powerful than you can ever imagine!
You have the power that creates worlds… available to YOU.
We may have collectively bought into the illusion that we are our bodies, or our thoughts and emotions, and that because we have a body we are separate from one another and everything around us…
The truth is, ultimately there is no separation between you and the rest of the universe. You are infinitely connected to All That Is – to Source – which is essentially pure unconditional love.
Which means, you ARE love – every part of you, including the bits you don’t like.
You ARE unlimited abundance.
You ARE total awareness and knowing.
You ARE infinite creative power.
And you ARE unbounded possibility and potential.
The great Sufi poet, Rumi, said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
These barriers he speaks of are the fears, limiting beliefs and fixed points of view that you have about yourself, that your small self would have you believe are true about you, and that keep your abundance from you.
These are the lies.
The more you begin to identify with your Infinite Self, the easier it is to release these lies, and you increase your flow of abundance.
In this video I’m sharing a powerful energy process to connect you with your Infinite Self to help you call in the abundance that you desire.
I hope you enjoy it!
If you feel ready to make a big leap to do what’s necessary to transcend your story, fears and limitations, learn energy tools and processes that harness your true spiritual power and be safely and powerfully supported so you can receive the abundant life you know you are meant for, then it would be my honour to work with you on your transformation journey.
Book a complimentary ‘Possibility Call’ with me here.
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Hello! I’m Cathy, I’m an intuitive transformational coach, healer and spiritual guide for women who want to live more authentically, more abundantly and more in flow by working with their spiritual power, so that they can create a life they love on their own terms.
Facebook: Cathy Ballard Transformation Coaching
Instagram: cathycballard
Linktree: cathyballardcoaching